Sample Course Outline
Each task may take multiple flight sessions to understand and to meet the Practical Test Standards.
- Introduction to flight and how the flight controls work.
- Learning the fundamentals of flight and how an aircraft flies level, turns, climbs and descends.
- Collision avoidance, integrating the fundamentals of flight with the aircraft instruments, using the radio.
- Controlling the aircraft in slow flight in preparation for landing.
- Learning ground reference maneuvers to develop a higher degree of skills in preparation for landing.
- Analyzing the effects of wind and other forces acting on the aircraft while landing.
- Basic safety concepts for non-normal situations to prevent them from become an emergency.
- Aeronautical knowledge pre-solo review with test questions. Your first flight without an instructor.
- Making good decisions and judgment calls. Methods of navigation and getting ready to fly cross country.
- Advanced methods of landing on short and soft field runways.
- Understanding airspaces, making a cross country plan, getting a weather briefing and fuel requirements
- Understanding weight and balance with the knowledge of its effect on aircraft performance.
- Short and long cross country flights with the instructor. Solo cross country flights planned in advance.
- Introduction to night flight.
- Long dual cross country night flight.
- Long solo cross country flight.
- Oral test preparation for the private pilot’s license.
- Practical flight test preparation for the private pilot license.